'Kin Hell Fest - http://kinhellfest.co.uk
This site is for a friend who is currently running a metal music festival in Leeds, overall it took about 2 months to complete and has a full admin back-end, band management, page editor, news feeds, link manager, menu manager, fully responsive design, full shopping catalogue and various third-party API's (bandcamp, soundcloud, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc).

This site has a lot of character and a lot of content, over 120 bands, 20-odd pages and a full forum board, not to mention a full catalogue and several galleries. Each band has it's own page with external links using various third-party API's that list videos, music, contact information, and a disqus commenting system.
This is just one part of a gallery, each item can be sorted and has it's own caption and title, the gallery can support both videos and images.

The forums is an essential part of this website, loads of activity and content going around the clock, it uses a simplemachines board and custom themes.